justin bieber house pics

Monday, May 16, 2011

justin bieber house pics. Kissing justin bieber was
  • Kissing justin bieber was

  • puckhead193
    Apr 12, 09:46 PM
    This is working equally not well.

    doesn't work for me... (Plus my ads are in spanish! :confused:)

    justin bieber house pics. Kim Kardashian Justin Bieber
  • Kim Kardashian Justin Bieber

  • brightfuture
    Oct 14, 05:17 AM
    Hey macnerdiac
    yes chianbuye dot com is selling ipod touch 4G cases and you can find it by vising their website.ipod touch 4G cases are available there at cheaper rate and you will also find free shipping to your home.They are also offering 1 year of warranty.
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    thank you

    justin bieber house pics. justin bieber\\s house,justin
  • justin bieber\\s house,justin

  • isgoed
    Nov 27, 01:35 PM
    20" is the new 17", duh. :cool:<= So right.

    And 17" widescreen?? :confused: That is just small. That is about the samy height as my 1996 performa's 14" screen.

    No, but no thanks.

    And apple just can't compete with other vendors when you consider the general price-point of these things.

    justin bieber house pics. justin bieber as a baby with
  • justin bieber as a baby with

  • Yamcha
    May 2, 05:21 PM
    Whatever happened to Command-Delete?

    ....this is starting to look like Aero in Windows Vista.

    See any similarities?

    Image (http://thecustomizewindows.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/How-to-remove-the-confirmation-prompt-to-delete-any-file-in-Windows-7-2.png)

    Image (http://cdn.macrumors.com/article/2011/05/02/171331-lion_delete_evernote.jpg)

    lol true, infact the new buttons look similar to the ones found on Windows 7.. Anyway one thing that is annoying about Launchpad is that you cannot remove applications from the grid, sometimes you end up with uninstallers, and it just becomes a huge mess, would be nice if we could remove applications from Launchpad, not necessarily uninstalling them but just removing them from the grid..

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  • Justin+ieber+house+

  • UnreaL
    Sep 5, 04:15 PM
    Where's my new mac mini damnit! :mad:

    Disappointed :(

    Anyone know if it will be having a revision or if all of this was baseless dross, little more than hype?

    justin bieber house pics. House Design Justin Bieber
  • House Design Justin Bieber

  • BenRoethig
    Sep 6, 06:08 PM
    probably supply reasons and cost reasons.

    if they bumped it to core 2, at least the base model would still have been core duo, the c2d one would have been more expensive, and i'm willing to bet we may see the 1.83 C2D in more than just the 17" imac soon.

    I'm guessing that Apple probably had a bunch of yonahs sitting around and hoped they could sell some off.

    Bet the combo and Superdrives are all unchanged-the suppliers the same as February's model.

    Considering Panasonic and Pioneer are the only ones who make slot loading notebook drives, I'd guess so.

    justin bieber house pics. Justin Bieber House 2011 |
  • Justin Bieber House 2011 |

  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 10:46 AM
    Not just wrong but probably illegal in several countries.

    My own country belgium for example its illegal to store such data without consent of the person itself.

    No iPhones in Belgium?

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  • justin bieber house in atlanta

  • coder12
    Apr 19, 11:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    One step closer to... every refresh? :)

    justin bieber house pics. Justin Bieber lived in a mice
  • Justin Bieber lived in a mice

  • rnelan7
    Feb 28, 10:26 PM
    Here is the College setup, I will eventually upgrade to the Logitech Performance wireless mouse. What is seen in the picture:

    27" iMac
    11.6" Macbook Air
    Blackberry Tour
    PS3 Slim
    Xbox 360 Slim

    Picture taken with iPhone 4

    Through the door seen is my bathroom and right behind me is my bed and closets. Pretty cozy room but I think I have positioned everything to make the best of it.

    EDIT: I just hooked my iMac up to my tv to play movies/shows etc. on but I ran into one problem. I cannot turn my iMac display off and keep my tv on. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know asap!

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  • of+justin+ieber+house+in+

  • Rocketman
    Jan 2, 11:24 AM
    Thereby adding $300 to the price...? Doesn't seem likely.
    Need four cores? Buy a Mac Pro.

    Since Intel is releasing the 2.0 Ghz C2Q chip this week, it seems likely to find its way into an iTV and/or iMac device. That's four cores on the cheap.


    justin bieber house pics. picture of justin bieber
  • picture of justin bieber

  • daneoni
    Mar 24, 01:08 PM
    Bye bye Nvidia. Twas interesting whilst it lasted.

    justin bieber house pics. ieber house pretty sure
  • ieber house pretty sure

  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 10:45 AM
    If it's cheaper, looks better, sounds better, and has more available titles, then why shouldn't HD DVD win? If BD used a more efficient codec, or at least had 50gb dual layer discs now (so MPEG2 could have a high bit rate at least), and the all the backing studios pumped out more titles, I'd buy it. But that isn't what it's shaping up to be right now. If they can get their act together, this could be a fight... but they are behind.

    Because current performance isn't prove of future trends, even if it is a indicator. If BD has a plan to release 50-200GB discs, while HD DVD can only make 70, then there is an advantage. If BD runs a better codec, I'm not sure but I think MPEG2/4 is a lot more flexible than VC-1 (knowning how windows is), unless its just H.2164? (forgot the number. Yet, personally I used to be a Blu-Ray fan, but now favor HD-DVD. The reason?

    Well, firstly, Blu-Ray is obviously going to have a lot more DRM control, which I HATE. I HATE THAT CRAP. I mean the whole rootkit CD thing, pissed of my friends, I mean I didn't care too much cause I could jsut burn it regularily on my mac. :D! But, if a Blu-Ray player comes to mac, I'm sure DRM will come too. And man... that would suck. I really don't want my mac slowed down, so some Sony exec knows what I'm watching.

    And personally, I don't see any use for discs over 50GB. I mean I probably could fit my whole music collection on one 70GB HD-DVD to back up. Hell, I could probably fit my music and photo collection if I got rid of some music I have been meaning to get around too. But even if I had to use two discs... big whoop... plus one disc of 200GB.... I don't even have 200GB of HD space ebtween 4 computers. How the hell can I use it?

    Plus, with current trends, it looks like HD-DVD will have a bigger foothole by the time Sony releases the PS3... itll be late b/c of shrotage in chip and blue ray drives... and then itll be really expensive. I think Xbox might have one this one... hopefully they dont botch it with the HD-DVD thing. And if they don't then that means for $400 you can get a HD-DVD player.... thats a steal when you consider everything it does also. I just dont see Sony winning this one, unless they drop DRM and massively subsidize all products (fat chance).

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  • Justin+ieber+pic+with+his

  • Random Passerby
    Oct 24, 01:19 AM
    I should be posting to the 'update before the holiday season' string to help it get to 4000 posts - but I was wondering at what time of day would an update happen, were it to happen?

    justin bieber house pics. justin bieber house. in
  • justin bieber house. in

  • Eric Lewis
    Jan 12, 02:12 PM
    MacBook Air
    (exclusive Specs)

    Has 0 Ports (just power)

    Connects to "new wireless device almost like airport express..which to that you can hook up...."

    dvd/cd burner
    usb ports for iPods/iPhones etc
    printers etc

    Has slim hard drive

    6-8hours battery

    justin bieber house pics. Justin Bieber impressed by
  • Justin Bieber impressed by

  • macman2790
    Sep 6, 12:46 AM
    yeah hopefully by at least the 26th or the 12th. but by speculating that it's going to happen the following week hasn't worked for anyone yet

    justin bieber house pics. Premiere of justin bieber
  • Premiere of justin bieber

  • BC2009
    Oct 24, 12:59 AM
    What a crock of nonsense. :rolleyes:

    Apparently, your idea of "corrupt" is to tell the truth about products instead of letting unsafe, Chinese garbage get pushed on the world with millions in advertising, but not a useful word in the bunch. Do you think Apple is going to advertise their antenna problem or Suzuki is going to brag that their vehicle is more likely to roll over than most other vehicles on the road? Heck no. Most magazines take money directly from the manufacturers that advertise in their magazines and thus have a total conflict of interests. Here's a magazine that doesn't take a dime from advertisers and thus has no reason to pick on anyone or lie about anything. But YOU call that "corruption." That's like Republicans saying they will create jobs (and leave out the "in China" part).

    First off, Consumer Reports makes money by selling subscriptions which means free press is good for them. Sensational popular bad reviews gets them publicity - good reviews get them nothing. In fact their video review was so obviously biased and unprofessional it was a joke. The guy should have been wearing an "Down with Apple" T-shirt with the Android robot peeing on the Apple logo.

    Second, the Suzuki Samarai is not a Chinese vehicle - Suzuki is a Japanese company.

    Third, save your political slant for some other forum - we talk tech here - not politics.

    Fourth, hate China much?

    Fifth, I personally tried to verify Consumer Reports claims in multiple iPhone-4 units to no avail. I'm still holding off for iPhone-5 to save my budget, but all I can say about iPhone-4 is that it's the best phone I've ever seen.

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  • justin bieber at white house

  • Lyle
    Mar 21, 09:23 AM
    As seen on Twitter:
    Obama has now fired more Tomahawk cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace Prize winners combined.

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  • live snl justin bieber

  • paulsalter
    May 4, 02:07 AM

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  • justin bieber easter pics.

  • roland.g
    Nov 27, 02:00 PM
    I would say $199 would be the perfect price point to go with a Mini, even if Apple makes little to nothing on it, they won't sell that many because of the size. Now if it has a built-in iSight I can digest a $249 price point. No one is going to pay $299 for an Apple branded 17" LCD in today's market. There are too many cheapies out there.

    Personally I wouldn't be interested. I am using my new Mini with an almost 7 yr old LaCie electron Blue 19" CRT and would never consider downsizing. The 20" ACD isn't attractive because it isn't that much bigger than what I have and the 23" is a little pricey at the moment, though the biggest reason I wouldn't get it is that I'll be getting a 24" iMac in the spring (preferably Black) and selling the Mini. That and my wife would kill me if I dropped a grand on a monitor.

    Aug 29, 09:40 PM
    Huh? Why would a BR drive make any more heat than a 12x or 24x DVD drive? Hint: it won't. It's a disc that is the same size and weight and spinning at the same speeds... the only change is the wavelength of the laser reading the disc. Decoding the data will take some juice, which will make some heat, but no more than any other CPU intensive task.
    Some of the reading, decoding, DRM, error control tasks will certainly happen in the drive itself, rather than CPU. More bits to process and faster data to send through the bus would certainly create more heat.

    Nov 23, 11:54 AM
    Yeah I was referring to the fact that it's in HD and some of the best music concert editing I have ever seen. Just amazing Emmy Award worthy editing.

    The last concert I saw across the pond was a YES concert in Genoa Italy in summer of 1972. :D

    Yep, I watched it myself last night as well - agreed, very cool. Cool about the YES concert as well. :) :cool:

    Aug 6, 11:03 PM
    "... introducing the 30th anaversary mac retro" :p

    Nov 22, 09:39 PM
    looks like our best week at about 1.7m points! maybe we will catch 2 mil/wk when the new guy gets his bigadv points, woo hoo :D

    I'm begining to wonder whether we will get our points back from when that "glitch" hit? I had 1 bigadv as well as several other wu that never got posted, bummer...

    May break down and get something new to run bigadv units on ;) since I haven't been able to get gpu's workin' for more points... since I don't have anyone around to keep me from spending money on computer stuff...

    Dec 17, 04:50 PM
    well i'm finally in the top 10 for our team. just gotta keep it goin

    Way to go!

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