bieber new haircut 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • marcre3363
    Apr 12, 08:42 PM
    I received an email from Avid yesterday offering FCP owners an opportunity to buy Media Composer for $995. If I had the cash, I'd probably jump on it.

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • Killyp
    Aug 7, 07:31 AM
    The ability to exclude certain windows from Expose "Show all Windows". Kind of irritating when there are, ahem, certain windows up that you would prefer your parents don't see...

    When your finger misses F10 and gets to F11, it can be kind of irritating...

    bieber new haircut 2011. ieber new hair 2011.
  • ieber new hair 2011.

  • mc68k
    Oct 5, 11:56 PM
    thanks. like i said, i'll have them coming when it gets colder. but it looks like mc68k will keep them coming

    EDIT: and congrats to you! over 2 million now!only at work, i may not fold at home now that bigadv gets enough points

    Congrats on the 2M SciFrog!

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber 2011 new haircut
  • justin ieber 2011 new haircut

  • fun173
    Feb 8, 07:43 PM
    ..........its my favorite color!

    Gorgeous, love the color :)

    bieber new haircut 2011. ieber new haircut 2011.
  • ieber new haircut 2011.

  • freebooter
    Sep 1, 12:13 PM
    Call the 23" iMac Pro, paint it black, give it a glossy screen, charge 30% more, awright!! The prestige!!


    I think a 23" iMac would be close in price to a standard MacPro would make my next upgrade a tougher decision than otherwise would be the case. I'd probably go for the 23 if she had 4GB ram (easily acquirable ram) potential and a decent GPU. God! I'd have a 19" + 23" setup!! Holy Mother of Jesus!! I think I just soiled myself.

    Oh, I think disposing of the chin would be desirable and might be possible.

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • Bradley W
    Aug 6, 08:41 PM

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
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  • SchneiderMan
    Nov 24, 04:02 AM
    I rented The Expendables. It's a pretty hard core, kick ass movie!

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • PygmySurfer
    Oct 23, 11:59 AM
    Updates are expected very soon boys and ghouls!

    It's "boils and ghouls" ;)

    bieber new haircut 2011. ieber new hair 2011.
  • ieber new hair 2011.

  • hayesk
    Sep 1, 02:43 PM
    Basically, Apple needs to snap out of it and realize that there is a market for a headless and integrated machines at EVERY PRICE... I want a prosumer iMac, personally.

    Apple used to have all-in-ones, consumer towers, pro towers, etc. Remember the PowerMac 6400? Too many products is too confusing for the consumer. If that means that a couple of people can't get the exact configuration they want, so be it.

    bieber new haircut 2011. Justin Bieber New 2011 Hair
  • Justin Bieber New 2011 Hair

  • MattSepeta
    May 2, 05:42 PM
    Another iOS feature implemented in a desktop OS.

    Fan-frickin-tastic :(

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • yac_moda
    Jul 20, 09:06 PM
    That is the general trend of the stock market. And the US economy.

    Late spring/summer... market trends flat to down. People are more interested in vacations than working.

    Sept. market rallies briefly as people get back to work.

    No I TOTALLY figured this one out. Its during this period that taxes get paid, either at the end of march or late until Aug. and with businesses this is cheap and easy to do. So people sell stock to pay their taxes and that depresses the market -- especially if they made a lot of money which could have been on stocks thus it is guaranteed to happen.

    October is traditionally the worst month to be in stocks. Every major crash has happened in October.

    But Oct. is also the second or third biggest gaining month.

    Nov-Dec the market usually rallies. I attribute this to Christmas and bonuses/performance rating. Money managers need to boost their performance numbers for the year so they pump up stocks, usually pouring into any stock that has performed decently. It may not go up, but at least they can say they were in winning stocks.

    Jan-early spring usually has selling. A combination of cashing out of the Christmas rally and tax selling.

    Yes, I have heard these before in many places but I think there are larger money movers that actually create it although I am not sure what they are.

    Although Christmas is no doubt BIG, I think corp. hiring and purchasing to start new projects is what rules the January effect, but there should other things I have not thought of.

    Certainly with product intro ruled stocks like tech stocks Christmas and the new years creates a big effect.

    I think the #1 shifter of market fortunes though is USA Presidents and popular pres. end of 8 years as pres. cause a big down effect. Especially now that we have had good feds for so many years, that hold back on the money supply although the HYPER WW competition created by the internet may actually be the BIGGEST force here.

    And most pres. now days are smart enough to restrict the money supply strictly during their first 2 years otherwise all hell can break loose.

    Bush didn't need to do this, 911 did it, but the lack of lowing taxes and gradual secret tax hikes by Clinton were VERY BAD for the economy.

    The presidential transition and voting problems blew-out the economies back !!!

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • hobbyrennfahrer
    Feb 7, 03:58 PM
    My new "old" car...:cool:

    Win :D

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • patseguin
    Jun 23, 09:07 AM
    Doesn't Snow Leopard already have multi touch capability built in?

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • davidgrimm
    Sep 23, 08:25 PM

    Consumer Reports used to influence my opinion, but when they actually rank things I know a little about, I always find fault with their methods and so they really aren't that influential to me anymore. I mean if their methods stink on the categories I know of, they probably stink for the categories I don't know about.

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 3, 06:28 PM
    ^ I don't about you, guys, but is there a way to make the address bar auto-hide when in FS mode? Logically, you don't wanna see anything but page content when in FS mode, no?

    Not that I'm aware of currently, but you know that will be an extension as soon as it is released.

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • bokdol
    Aug 24, 10:02 PM
    a bit off topic... does any one know of a comparable pc and cost? the mini seems a bit expensive at 799 for a 1.6 dore duo

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • Father Jack
    Jan 12, 04:27 AM
    Maybe Apple's poster actually says more but we can't see the bottom?

    Something like: "There's something in the air... blow it out your ass Microsoft" :p
    Now that would be cool .. :cool:

    bieber new haircut 2011. justin ieber new haircut 2011
  • justin ieber new haircut 2011

  • ssk2
    Apr 3, 01:14 PM
    Because I'm interested in the pathology of people like you, and I'm trying to understand how you can compare an existing product with a product that is nothing but talk, to the disadvantage of the product you can actually buy, and decide in favor of the product that doesn't exist. Just psychological curiosity.

    Are you kidding me?!

    The 'pathology of people like me'? Who do you think you are? Facts are that I've neither held, or used either device, so I'll wait until I have until I make my decision. What's so controversial about that? How am I talking about the iPad in any kind of disadvantageous way? I'm just saying I want to try both and have not made up my mind yet. Rational.

    The Playbook does exist too, no matter how much you say it doesn't. What on earth are you basing you assumption on? Where did I ever promote the Playbook over the iPad? Please retract your comments.

    bieber new haircut 2011. Justin Bieber Haircut 2011
  • Justin Bieber Haircut 2011

  • dukishdary
    Jan 11, 05:15 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable. i am willing to bet the phase "there's something in the air" is referring to the soon to be announced rental service, not a piece of hardware. apple is making an obvious attempt to eliminate physical mediums altogether, first cds with mp3s and now dvds with downloadable vids (both via the itunes music store). everything will be available "in the air" or "up in the cloud," if you will. i'll be damned if they name their next product the "macbook air." c'mon people...

    Jun 22, 10:52 PM
    I'm confident that you will not see any computers running both Mac OS and iOS.

    I see one every day.

    Just run a UIKit app in the iPad Simulator (from the free Developer SDK) on your iMac. There's even 3rd party code that will allow you to use the multi-touch on your iPad to control your app in the Simulator on the iMac. And some apps can run 10X faster and have a bunch more memory available when running on the Simulator.

    I have a couple experimental apps that look and feel better this way than their Mac native versions.

    It's even possible for a developer to package compiled Simulator apps for other people to run on their Macs, but Apple hasn't made that process easy (yet!).

    Mar 26, 04:00 AM
    While professionals can say bye bye to nVidia's CUDA processing and PhysX.

    ATI/AMD is doing what they can, developing an OpenCL driven bullet physics port to Maya but they always seem to be one step behind - announcing a plugin for Maya 2011 in the same week that Autodesk announced that nVidia Physx is being integrated directly into Maya 2012 with real time physx cloth deformation, rigid body dynamics, and physx accelerated calculations for DMM destruction.

    On the windows side, 3ds Max is getting Physx integration, too. Open CL is cool but it's got some ground to make up in the application world.

    If you refer to my prior post in this thread, I too am a professional 3D content creator. As things stand currently, all software I use take better advantage of nVidia compared to ATI. Most of what I use prefer "CUDA" cores and eventually more "PhysX" integration.

    This is why I can no longer use Apple at all in my work, I can not come close to getting what I can from a pair of 580 GTX factory OC cards in SLI for a Mac Pro. In fact, most of what Apple offers is still behind the curve.

    It is the single area where Apple fails and I know from attending conferences that most of the big names simply don't care because they do not have enough users on that platform to matter. Don't get me wrong, I still think Apple is great for most all other areas and I recommend them to family and friends. But for the 3D professional market, there is no way I can use Apple without making many sacrifices.

    Jul 19, 03:40 PM (

    Apple posted their ( 3rd Quarter 2006 financial results today.

    Apple posted revenue of $4.37 billion and a net quarterly profit of $472 million or $.54 per diluted share. For reference, the year-ago quarter brought in $3.53 billion in revenue, net profit of $320 million or $.37 per diluted share.

    Apple shipped 1,327,000 Macintosh computers and 8,111,000 iPods during this quarter which represents a 12% growth in Macs and 32% growth in iPods year-over-year.

    - 75% of Macs sold during the quarter used Intel processors.
    - 2nd highest quarterly sales and earnings in Apple's history
    - International sales accounted for 39 percent of the quarter’s revenue.
    - iPod continued to earn a US market share of over 75 percent
    - Desktops: 529,000, down 14% from previous quarter
    - Portables: 798,000, up 60% from previous quarter
    - iPods: 8,526,000

    Live streaming of the results conference call will be broadcast at 5pm EST (


    - Mac: 55% of revenue. Increased sales to 1.327 million.
    -- Pleased with Intel transition. "Solidly" on track to update Xserve and PowerMac by end of this year.
    -- Over 2900 Universal Applications.
    -- Most "critical" applications will be converted by September
    -- MacBook very well received
    -- Happy with the Mac ad campaign, feel that it is contributing to Apple's momentum
    - iPod
    -- NPD: 75% of market share US (MP3)
    -- Other music product revenue up 90% year over year
    -- Strong sales of iTunes and iPod accesories
    -- iTunes Music Store - 85% marketshare.
    -- Enthusiastic about upcoming iTunes/iPod products in the pipeline
    - Retail
    -- 146 stores open during quarter.
    -- 50% of buyers are new to Mac.
    - Outlook:
    -- "Very excited about and confident in the products in our pipeline."


    Q: How important is it to hit the holiday season. and how innovative can innovative be [w/ respect to iPods]?
    A: We don't talk about unannounced products, but "very confident" in products in our pipeline.

    Q: Markets: Consumer, Education, Pro
    A: The MacBook was in high demand in both consumer and education. Pro market has been slow - thought to be due to wait in PowerMac with Intel and some Universal apps. Education market did very well. Higher edu grew 31% year to year. Very well poised in going into school season.

    Q: Assuming any contribution from Leopard for the September [next] quarter?
    A: We've not announced the ship date for Leopard, but will show the new features at WWDC.

    Q: Does the fact that Intel rolls our processors more quickly and drops prices affect you? Will you be adjusting prices more frequently or same as you have been with new product releases?
    A: We're very pleased to be working with Intel. A great partner. They have the best processor by far in our current and upcoming products. Pleased with the new products, but as you know we don't discuss our unannounced products. don't want to comment on how we'll be changing our pricing.

    Q: Will there be any surprises at WWDC?
    A: [Laughter, then Openheimer:] Well, you will have to come and attend.

    Digg This (!_2nd_Best_In_Company_History!)

    Feb 10, 04:52 PM
    Speaking of bigadv units, I haven't gotten any in the last 2 or 3 days, just regular units on my mac pro?

    hmm, not sure. i haven't gotten anything the last 2 updates today. not sure what's going on

    Apr 3, 05:48 PM
    I have the same thing happens with my safari in full screen where you hover your mouse over the top and the menubar slide down it is a bug because it the bar serve no function right now -that definitely did happen in DP!
    Although Safari has not crashed yet where it crash several time a day in DP1

    I don't think it is a bug. It allows more screen to show when using full screen mode. The menubar re-appears when needed. Preview auto hides the menubar as when in full screen mode.

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